Hotel Attachment with Fox World Travel

At Fox World Travel, we understand the importance of consolidating hotel bookings to maximize efficiency and cost savings for your travel program. We offer the following services to ensure your travelers receive the best rates, amenities, and hotel options:

Hotel Discount Program and Corporate Negotiated Rates

  • We provide exclusive discounts and benefits through our Hotel Discount Program and corporate negotiated rates.
  • By integrating these rates into your reservation and quality control systems, we streamline the entire travel program.
  • Our team at Fox will load and test scripts and programming to secure your negotiated rates, ensuring accuracy and reliability.

Efficiency and Cost Savings

  • Consolidating hotel bookings improves efficiency and provides significant cost savings for your organization.
  • Having Fox World Travel manage these hotel bookings saves you time in what otherwise would be spent with tedious back and forth rooming list tasks.
  • By leveraging our Hotel Discount Program and corporate negotiated rates, you can optimize your travel budget and allocate resources more effectively.
  • In the reconciliation process, you can be assured that all cost savings and discounts have been properly applied and accounted for.

Customization and Unique Experience

  • We work closely with your team to identify destinations and properties that align with the needs of your executive team and qualifiers.
  • Our customization approach ensures that each program is tailored to your specific goals and objectives, creating a unique and memorable experience for your attendees.
  • At Fox it is a priority to find a way to make the vision you have for your program come to fruition and we are determined to work through that process with our preferred vendors and new relations.

Additional Services

Exceptional Results and Seamless Experience

  • With Fox World Travel as your partner, you can expect improved efficiency, cost savings, and a seamless experience for your travelers.
  • We are committed to delivering exceptional results and being a trusted partner throughout the entire process.

Contact us today to learn more about how Fox World Travel can enhance your meetings and incentives program.

Carly Brecka

Carly Brecka

Program Manager, Meetings and Incentives