Learn more about the new NACE Bryan College Station chapter

In October, NACE National welcomed its newest chapter, NACE Bryan-College Station in Texas. This addition to the NACE community was the brain-child of Delores Crum, CERP. Delores is a long-time NACE member, entrepreneur and philanthropist who currently serves on the Foundation of NACE Board of Trustees. We sat down with Delores to learn more about this exciting new chapter.

Delores Crum CERP


NACE: Tell us about the catering and events industry in Bryan college station   

Delores Crum, CERP: BCS has a robust catering and events industry. Though COVID hit us hard, as it did our NACE friends and colleagues across the country and around the globe, we were fortunate to live and work in Texas. Returning to some semblance of normalcy may have happened more quickly for us than it did in other parts of the country. The gradual COVID recovery could be felt as early as the third and fourth quarters of 2021 - and while we didn't reach 2019 revenue or event numbers, we were finding our way in a post-COVID world. Early this year, we were gearing up for what the pundits and prognosticators were saying would be an 'EVENT-FULL 2022'. And they were right!

Exciting new restaurants came on-line in our community this past year, and others have returned to pre-COVID operations. We've had new specialty event vendors entering the market to include planners, photographers, bakers, bartenders, and more. TAMU has expanded its culinary-related programs and continues to have strong enrollment in its various hospitality programs. We're looking forward to welcoming many Student Members who are pursuing degrees and certificates in Hospitality and Tourism Disciplines, and others who are a part of the Student Event Planning Association. We're bullish on all things catering and event in this amazing part of the Lone-Star state! 


NACE: There seems to be an enormous excitement for this new chapter. What's driving it? 

Delores Crum, CERP: The BCS Events Community is 'starved' for what NACE offers Catering and Event Professionals. The nearest NACE Chapter is in Houston - 90 or so miles away. We have no ILEA Chapter, no MPI Chapter - no organization we can turn to for industry education and programming, camaraderie and networking, reciprocal referrals and all the other benefits a thriving NACE chapter provides. While the Wedding Association of the Brazos Valley operates in our area, that organization is narrower in scope, not as broad in focus, and more restrictive in terms of membership. We welcome WABV Members who are looking for involvement and support beyond weddings and wedding-related events. WABV Members who are primarily in the business of weddings can find a second home with us too!


NACE: What does the chapter have planned in the coming months? 

Delores Crum, CERP: We'll have our NACE BCS Board Retreat in January and will outline our programs and plans for the coming year during our time together then. We know we'll have quality educational programs, enjoyable networking events and ample opportunity to build a true sense of community. Since we'll need funds to support the efforts and initiatives our members want and need, we'll likely have a major fundraiser during the coming year as well. 


NACE: What are the chapter's long-term goals?

Delores Crum, CERP: Our Chapter Leaders will be setting those goals as part of the retreat process, but what we do know, generally, is that we want to grow our numbers, support our members and help them thrive in their businesses or professions, reach a point where awarding Evolve and Experience scholarships is possible for us, and, if appropriate, help other Chapters in Formation obtain their charters as well. We'll support the chapter development efforts of National and the CLC in every way we can. 


NACE: Are there any exciting programs your chapter is looking forward to hosting?    

Delores Crum, CERP: Ask us again in February....We're looking forward to learning from other chapter leaders in January at Evolve, to attending Experience 'en masse', and having a banner year, in every context, in 2023. Thanks to NACE National for all the help and support we received throughout the organizational process. We hope to make you proud!