7 Impactful Details to Add to Your Meetings and Incentive Programs

February is the month of love and what better way to express this sentiment than to show a little love to your meeting and incentive attendees. As we continue to move through the new year there are a few specific details you can include in your meeting and incentive planning to show your attendees just how much you appreciate them. Whether a simple gesture or an elaborate production, each experience makes your event a little more special to those you value most. It’s all about the details!  

Welcome Gift

A welcome gift upon arrival at the host property is the perfect way to make your attendees feel welcome. This package can include typical program essentials such as an agenda or name badges, but make your guest feel extra special by including items to make their stay more comfortable such as snacks, bottles of water, shoulder wraps for cold meeting rooms, hand sanitizer, extra face masks or even rapid Covid-19 tests. 

Gifting Experiences

Whether a luau shop when enjoying the Hawaiian Islands or a high end, name brand product, attendees love to be able to select their own gifts. On-site shopping experiences can be set up at any price point and in any location to allow attendees to pick those items which best fit their preferences and needs. Some crowd favorites include sunglasses, apparel items, technical gadgets and locally made crafts. 


Corporate social responsibility events are an impactful and innovative way to allow your attendees to make a difference in the community they are visiting. Organizations can focus on environmental, philanthropic, ethical or economic responsibility issues. Experiences can include monetary or material donations, but attendees seem to most enjoy those opportunities where they can donate their time and see the community they are improving. The opportunity also allows attendees to bond with other attendees. 

Electronic Photo Frames

Gifting your attendee an electronic photo frame is a creative way to not only present a gift to the attendee, but it can also be used to communicate with your guest during your program. The device can be programmed to receive meeting updates or to share program photos in the comfort of the attendee’s guest room. 

In-Room Credits

Placing monetary credits on an attendee’s guest room is a great way to allow the individual to choose an experience they most value. Whether the gift is spent on food and beverage, spa or golf during their stay, the guest will create a memorable experience unique to their preferences. 

Pet/Support Animals

Pets are scientifically proven to relieve stress. According to the National Institute of Health, interacting with animals has been shown to lower blood pressure and decrease cortisol levels (a stress-related hormone.) Coordinate to have a local shelter visit your meeting during a break to allow attendees to visit the animals. Whether they prefer dogs, cats or a reptile, every attendee is certain to connect with a special friend. 

Get Active

One of the best ways to relax and relieve stress is through exercise. The host organization can provide opportunities to their attendees in a variety of ways. From short meditation or yoga sessions in the middle of the day to a morning 5K or evening stroll, offering options allows attendees to select the activity which best matches their skill set. 

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