Supporting people is just as important as protecting our planet. You can’t focus on the planet unless you focus on people. Thinking about people and planet has brought our team together to start the discussions of social equity amongst ourselves and out in our community. We have started asking questions of hosting organization on their efforts of inclusivity and taking action towards social equity. During our recent #MeetGreenChat we talked about social equity and posed questions to help all of us start taking action. Here are some of the highlights to the discussions.

How are you supporting different business classifications and/or supporting local businesses when selecting vendors? (example classifications: WBE, DBE, veteran owned, minority owned, environmental)

A1: We have been making a concerted effort to identify these businesses in our destination communities. Sometimes a local CVB (Visitor's Bureau) can help, but your planning team can play a big part in advancing as well. #MeetGreenChat

When it comes to attendee accessibility, how will you accommodate these needs? (accessibility needs, assistive listening device, closed captioning, translator, nursing room, prayer room)

A2 Especially in the virtual events world, accessibility issues aren't as immediately obvious. Ensuring that your program takes colors, font sizes, closed captioning, and specific tech instructions into account can really help! #MeetGreenChat

To accommodate a diverse set of speakers, what are some examples of guidelines you could put in place?

A3 Educate yourself and your company on what is needed - this could help: #meetgreenchat

For underrepresented attendees with financial barriers what types of financial assistance could be offered?

A4 That's one of the great things about virtual is you can offer scholarships for attendees who might not otherwise be able to afford to attend and not have to cover things like food and travel (or have them do it, which may not be possible for many). Win-win. #MeetGreenChat

Do you plan to communicate your diversity/inclusion initiatives to attendees pre-event, onsite, and post-event? (scholarships, call for speakers, post-event template to take back to work places or organizations)

A5 similar to what @MeetGreen_Aaron stated - having the information out there allows for conversations to take place and those conversations help move us forward #MeetGreenChat

How could it be helpful to include diversity information during the registration process from your participants?

A6 At MeetGreen, we believe that you can't address what you don't measure. Knowing the demographics and experiences of attendees can help identify gaps, and change communication strategies to target these gaps in future years. #MeetGreenChat

How do you plan to represent diversity when creating signage, communications, social media posts, website etc.? (gender dominant language, inclusive representation)

A7: In the realm of inclusive representation, it is important to remember a range of perspectives here as well. This could include website assets, social media posts, or other marketing collateral. #MeetGreenChat

What are some actions you can put in place to accommodate those with technology accessibility challenges?


How does making content available online after an event benefit all attendees?

A9 I attended the @adobemax via the interwebs this year - I STILL go back to the classes - it's fantastic #lifelonglearner #meetgreenchat

What are some examples of how you could incorporate inclusivity in a code of conduct?

A10: Having an event code of conduct policy in place is a great first step and ensuring equity considerations are addressed and included, such as anti discrimination, support for disabilities- is a critical best practice for your event. #MeetGreenChat

What one initiative will your organization focus on in 2021?

#meetgreenchat furthering the intersectionality where supporting the health of the planet is woven in to creating equity for all the people on it.

Thank you to everyone who joined in the discussion! For all of the answer go to the #MeetGreenChat feed on Twitter. Our next chat is on 6/9/21! See you there!