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On a bit of a different note than usual, today we’re exploring body language in events! Because at its core, the events industry is all about people, and relationships between people. Attendees, suppliers, planners – everybody has a part to play. And everybody is, at the end of the day, human. Which is why we’re very excited to have a conversation about the power of body language at events, and how it can be used for networking and interviewing.

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So, as usual, we brought out the big guns. Joining our amazing hosts Lindsay Martin-Bilbery and Alex Plaxen are Leon Cardenas and Stan Walters. Leo helps sales teams improve their sales using body language techniques. And Stan works with and trains risk management professionals, law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and elite military units on how to accurately spot deception and ask the right questions that will uncover the truth, clear criminal cases and even save lives. So, are you ready to get iconic? Then press play and join the talk, it’s time for #EventIcons!

body language at events

I need to start with myself before I can start reading others. And i need to focus on my first impressions before I start reading other people. Click to Tweet
You have to find ways to make people remember you. Click to Tweet
When you have that open air, and you're ready to accept everybody, people pick it up. Click to Tweet

We want to help keep you up-to-date with the latest and greatest!

Below, in our Epic Resources section, we link the awesome insider favorites that were mentioned in this episode! You WANT to check these out! What has been your favorite episode so far? Comment below and let us know!

You’re watching this recording of our event industry podcast episode here on our blog, but wouldn’t you rather watch live, ask your own questions, and participate in person? Subscribe now to watch live! (We’ll remind you of upcoming episodes.) We would love for you to join us LIVE and bring your questions for our icons.

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Follow our iconic event prof from this week’s conversation about body language in events:

Check out the epic resources from this episode and learn more about body language at events!

And that’s a wrap on this week’s edition of #EventIcons! Did you know just how powerful body language in events could be? Are you excited to put some of this knowledge into practice?  Make sure to let us know. Plus, don’t forget to tune in again next week for yet another iconic episode and more event talk!

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Lindsay Martin-Bilbrey

Author Lindsay Martin-Bilbrey

An accomplished speaker (though she prefers to be backstage with a headset), #EventIcons host, event prof, and marketer with work featured in the New York Times, Lindsay and team have worked with brands including Ford Motor Company, American Bar Association, Harvard Business School, and many more.

More posts by Lindsay Martin-Bilbrey