Going beyond hybrid and remote events featuring George Barnes

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Posted on February 25, 2022

​​In our second instalment of EventLand’s season 2 podcast series, we zoom in on event technology in 2022. 

EventLand’s brand new season 2 podcast series is powered by InEvent and hosted by Marian Volkwyn. The podcast aims to share event insight from some of the best event profs in the business. No-holds-barred – we want to share the good, the bad, and the ugly.

We’ve invited George Barnes, the founder, and director of creative production agency, Take 2 Productions and director of Carolyn Reps, to share his journey with us.

I’ve always been at the forefront of integrating live shooting and remote direction

George Barnes

George comes from a family of construction workers, and he decided that he wanted to venture into the entertainment industry instead. 

He entered the entertainment industry with his hand modeling, where he got his first taste of being on set. George quickly realized that he was much more intrigued by being behind the scenes.

Listen to his full story here:


The 4 benefits of virtual and hybrid events, according to George Barnes

George Barnes featured on EventLand’s podcast

1. Efficiency

In terms of being in the event production industry, George emphasizes that virtual and hybrid events have allowed his company to get more done and be more efficient. 

Event producers needed to be on-site, setting up every event in the past. Now, they can have various teams in different locations, expanding their reach. 

2. Cost-effective

George reiterates that virtual and hybrid events are more cost-effective than in-person events. “I’ve been able to exponentially grow my business and create more content for the client at a much lower cost,” explains George.

3. Accessibility

Events have become more effective as it is more accessible. People can join virtual and hybrid events from the comfort of their homes, including groups of marginalized audiences such as those with physical disabilities.

4. Higher quality of content

Not only do virtual and hybrid events offer a more affordable solution, but virtual and hybrid events come out on top in terms of the quality of the content, too. 

George found that event talent like emcees, speakers, and hosts do a greater job broadcasting from their homes. “The quality of the interviews are much better, and the conversations are much more real coming from their homes,” details George.

Listen to more of the benefits of virtual and hybrid events according to George here:


This episode of EventLand was brought to you by InEvent. Check out Season 1, where we spoke to:

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