An image showing all about streaming your in-person events in 720p

Streaming your in-person event in 720p

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The complete platform for all your events

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Posted on October 28, 2022

We’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: in-person events are back, and we love them! For two years, we missed the human interactions that in-person events brought as the world tried to contain the deadly Covid-19 virus. We missed the high-fives and the exchange of business cards. But now we are back to gathering again. And in organizing and attending in-person events, we should retain the lessons learned in the days of social distancing: that streaming our events expands the number of people we can reach; that we can increase participation when we stream our in-person events. If your target is a large audience, you will need to stream your in-person events in the 720p resolution. For the tiniest bits about live streaming, see this post.

The common assumption about streaming resolution

An image showing "what is 720p stream?"

In video streaming, the common belief is that a higher resolution amounts to a better quality viewing experience on the streaming platform. This is particularly not always the case. Live streaming is usually a trade-off between speed and video quality. This is because effectively streaming a video at a higher resolution also demands more bandwidth. 

We have two basic, common standard streaming resolution settings:

Standard resolution at 720 x 480 pixels (480p)

High resolution at 1920 x 1080 pixels (1080p)

But in reality, this is typically captured at a little lower resolution, such as 640 x 360 pixels (360p) or even smaller. Other times, if the desire is to capture the streaming in high resolution, then a 720p is preferable. 

What is 720p stream? 

720p is a type of high-definition video resolution. It has a resolution of 1280 x 720, which means it has 720 horizontal and 1280 vertical lines. This resolution is different from 1080p, which has a resolution of 1920 x 1080. The technology behind the 720p stream is similar to the technology behind other types of streams. 720p stream uses a digital signal sent over a network like the internet. This signal is then received by a device, such as a television, that displays the video.

Advantages of streaming your in-person event in 720p

One of the main advantages of streaming your in-person events in 720p is that it provides a high-quality image while still using relatively low bandwidth. This makes it ideal for streaming videos online, as well as watching videos on your smartphone or tablet. Additionally, because 720p is a lower resolution than 1080p, it requires less computing power to display an image, making it a good choice for devices with limited resources. This helps your viewers, wherever they are, to enjoy the content irrespective of their devices’ resources. 

Another advantage of 720p is that it is very versatile. It can be used for watching movies and playing video games, making it a good choice for people who want one device that can do both. Additionally, because 720p is not an as high resolution as 1080p, it can be used on devices with smaller screens without sacrificing image quality.

720p is a great resolution choice for most people. It provides a high-quality image while using minimal bandwidth and resources. Additionally, it is versatile and can be used for watching movies and playing video games.

When to use 720p in video streaming

An image showing when to use 720p in video streaming

Though there are no steadfast rules about when to use 720p and when to stick with 1080p, you can follow some general guidelines. If you’re streaming video to a device with a smaller screen, such as a phone or tablet, then 720p is generally the best resolution. This will ensure that the video looks good on the device’s screen without needing to be blown up or stretched.

If you’re streaming video to a larger device, such as a computer monitor or TV, then 1080p may be a better resolution. This will give you a higher level of detail and clarity than 720p. However, remember that only some devices can support 1080p video, so check your device’s specifications before streaming at this resolution.

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