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Mindfulness in events. These three words might seem foreign to many. And to others, they can actually be scary. But what does mindless in events even mean? How does it help professionals in the industry? And most importantly, should we practice it? Well, the short answer to the last questions is yes. Because it’s no secret to anyone that event planners tend to use stress as a badge of honor, right? We’re always busy, always scrambling, and there are a million things that demand our attention. Especially in times like these, when everything is so uncertain, mental health suffers. But are we really so busy that we forget to think about ourselves?

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That’s what our very special guest for this week wonders. The extraordinary Lee Papa is an internationally recognized Mindfulness and Meditation speaker and trainer, specializing in the Meetings, Events, Hospitality, and Travel industries. For years, Lee has been teaching professionals in the industry about the importance of mindfulness in events. And today, she’ll be walking us through her personal experiences, the importance of this practice, and exactly why we should be doing it. So grab a nice, warm cup of tea and join us for an incredible edition of the Event Tech Podcast – it might just change your outlook on life!

It's imperative that you are consistent in the practice of mindfulness and meditation. The consistency is more important than the amount of time. Share on X Move away from good and bad, right and wrong, towards what was optimal and less than optimal. Do you feel how that's different? Share on X I prepare, but I don't obsess or stress over it because I set the intention. I'm driving the ship. Share on X

Pssst…Go Virtual!

Download our free virtual event planning checklist today and learn what you have to do every step of the way to create an unforgettable experience for your attendees. And if you’re looking for the best virtual event production company out there, chat with us! The Endless team is here to help.

Make sure you join us again next week for another episode. In case you’re interested in extra virtual event content, click here to learn more while you wait for another Event Tech Podcast!

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Mariana Fernandes

Author Mariana Fernandes

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