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Today we are talking all about event key performance indicators (KPIs). Key performance indicators measure event success. This can be confusing, what exactly are we measuring? Why do I need to do this? Who is defining the metrics? How will you measure them? Today we will answer all this and more.

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Today our iconic guest Daniil Shcherbakov of Radario Marketing Platform will be discussing everything you must know about measuring event key performance indicators. Are you still wondering what sort of metrics you should be measuring? Do you need a data analyst on your team? What is the best way to collect feedback from attendees? Worry not: we’ll tell you all about it.

We want to help keep you up-to-date with the latest and greatest. Below, in our Epic Resources section, we link the awesome insider favorites that were mentioned in this episode.

You’re watching this recording of our episode here on our blog, but wouldn’t you rather watch live, ask your own questions, and participate in person? Subscribe now to watch live! (We’ll remind you of upcoming episodes.) We would love for you to join us LIVE and bring your questions to our icons.

You need constantly measure your metrics and this is how you gain experience. @radario_cc Share on X My One tip to Event Planners is that not to rely on your observation, each decision should be data-driven. @radario_cc Share on X

event key performance indicators

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Will Curran

Author Will Curran

Information junkie, energetic, and work-a-holic are just some of the words we can use to describe Will Curran. Aside from spending 20 out of 24 hours a day working as the Chief Event Einstein of Endless Events, you can catch Will ordering a chai latte or watching The Flash with his cats. He is also well known for his love of all things pretzels.

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