Renting Out a Condo: Your Guide to Becoming a Landlord


Reading Time: 6 minutes

Renting out a condo is a rewarding venture that can offset your ownership costs and provide a steady stream of revenue. However, it’s not just about finding a tenant and handing over the keys. To make the most of this opportunity, you need to navigate a range of considerations, from understanding condo association rules to marketing your property effectively. 

In this Redfin article, we’ll take you through the ins and outs of renting a condo, equipping you with the knowledge and strategies you need to become a successful landlord. Whether you want to rent out your condo in Chicago, Tallahassee, or just like to learn more, read on to discover the keys to condo rental success.Landlord giving the tenants the keys

What you need to know before renting out a condo

Before renting out a condo, there are several crucial factors to consider. First and foremost, familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of the condo association or homeowners’ association (HOA) governing your property, as they may have specific requirements or restrictions related to renting out units. Additionally, assess your financial readiness for this endeavor, including budgeting for potential maintenance and repairs. Lastly, consider your area’s market conditions and rental rates to set a competitive rental price that attracts suitable tenants while covering your costs. Being well-prepared and informed about HOA restrictions will help you navigate the condo rental process successfully and avoid potential pitfalls.

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Five essential steps for renting out a condo

1. Understand the HOA restrictions

Understanding whether your condo permits rentals is crucial in the decision-making process when contemplating renting your condo. HOAs have rules and regulations, some of which may restrict or even prohibit rentals altogether. It’s important to know these restrictions ahead of time, as they can affect how easily you can rent out your property and the rental income you can earn. Violating your HOA rules can lead to legal consequences and disputes with your condo association, potentially resulting in fines or even the revocation of your right to rent the unit.

Modern condo interior

2. Research local laws and ordinances

Different municipalities often have specific regulations about rental properties, covering aspects such as tenant rights, property inspections, licensing, and safety requirements. Ignoring or overlooking these legal obligations can lead to legal trouble, fines, or eviction orders. By adhering to local laws, you’ll ensure you’re operating within bounds of the law, while also building a trustworthy and clear rental relationship with your tenants.. This due diligence helps protect your investment, minimizes potential disputes, and fosters a 

3. Make sure you have the correct homeowners insurance 

When renting out your condo, safeguarding your property and protecting yourself from potential liabilities is paramount. Opting for the right insurance coverage is a crucial step in this process. Traditional homeowner’s insurance may not cover damages or incidents that arise from having a tenant. Therefore, it’s essential to explore landlord-specific insurance policies that cater to rental properties. These policies not only protect the physical structure of the condo but also provide coverage for potential lost rental income and legal fees if a dispute arises.

Condos on a street

4. Hire a real estate lawyer

Real estate transactions often involve complex legal contracts, such as lease agreements, and can vary significantly depending on local laws and regulations. An experienced lawyer can review, draft, or customize legal documents to ensure they are compliant with local laws, protect your interests, and address potential issues that may arise during the rental period.

5. Prepare your property to rent

When preparing your condo for rent, thorough preparation is key to attracting quality tenants and ensuring a successful rental experience. Start by thoroughly cleaning and decluttering the space, making necessary repairs, and ensuring all appliances and systems are in working order. A fresh coat of paint and minor upgrades can also enhance its appeal. Consider staging the condo to showcase its potential and create a welcoming atmosphere. Set a competitive rental price based on market research and create a detailed and honest property description highlighting its features and amenities. Finally, establish a plan for property maintenance and emergencies and be ready to respond promptly to inquiries and schedule viewings.

Two people talking about condos

Pros of renting out a condo

Rental income

Generating rental income by renting out your home provides a consistent and potentially lucrative source of cash flow for property owners. This income can help cover mortgage payments, offset condo association fees, and even yield a profit.

Tax benefits

One of the compelling advantages of renting out your condo is the potential tax benefits it can offer. Rental property owners are often eligible for several tax deductions. For instance, you can typically deduct expenses related to maintaining and managing your condo, such as repair costs, property management fees, and even some travel expenses related to property maintenance or tenant management. Additionally, the interest on your mortgage and property taxes can often be written off.

Asset appreciation

By holding on to the condo while it appreciates, you can potentially build significant wealth as the property’s market value grows. This long-term investment strategy allows you to benefit from the property’s capital appreciation and increase their overall net worth over the years.


Renting out your condo offers a valuable degree of flexibility in your living arrangements. If you need to relocate temporarily for work, personal reasons, or simply wish to explore a different area, you can do so while still retaining ownership of your condo. This flexibility allows you to adapt to changing life circumstances without the hassle of selling your property and provides you with the option to return to your condo.

Condo interior

Cons of renting out a condo

Tenant issues

Renting out a condo can present challenges, such as tenant issues, which can be a significant drawback. Dealing with problematic tenants, including late rent payments, property damage, or lease violations, can be a time-consuming and stressful responsibility for landlords. Managing and resolving these issues effectively requires strong communication and sometimes legal action, making tenant-related problems a disadvantage of renting out a condo.

Property wear and tear

Even responsible tenants can contribute to the normal degradation of the condo over time, necessitating regular maintenance and repairs. This ongoing upkeep can be a financial and logistical burden for landlords, potentially impacting their overall investment returns.

Condo complex


Vacancies are another potential drawback of renting out a condo. When the condo is unoccupied, you don’t generate rental income, impacting their cash flow. Finding reliable tenants can sometimes take time, and during vacancy periods, you must cover ongoing expenses like mortgage payments and condo association fees out of pocket.

HOA restrictions

HOA restrictions can present a significant hurdle when considering renting a condo. Many HOAs have strict rules and regulations regarding rentals, including limitations on the number of units that can be rented, rental durations, and tenant screening criteria. These restrictions can limit a condo owner’s ability to rent out their property or make it more cumbersome. Additionally, HOA fees and assessments may increase over time, affecting the property’s overall profitability as a rental investment.

Does renting your condo affect taxes?

Renting your condo can impact property taxes, although the specifics vary by location and local tax laws. When you rent out your condo, it may be classified differently for tax purposes, such as changing from a primary residence to an investment property. This reclassification can affect property tax rates and exemptions. 

Additionally, when you rent out your condo, the rental income you receive is generally considered taxable income, which means you’ll need to report it on your tax return. However, you can also deduct various expenses associated with maintaining and managing the property, such as repair costs, property management fees, mortgage interest, and property taxes.

Renting out a condo: The bottom line

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently navigate the complexities of renting your condo. From preparing your property to understanding legal obligations and choosing the right tenants, every aspect of the process is crucial in ensuring a successful and profitable rental experience.

If you are represented by an agent, this is not a solicitation of your business. This article is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for professional advice from a medical provider, licensed attorney, financial advisor, or tax professional. Consumers should independently verify any agency or service mentioned will meet their needs. Learn more about our Editorial Guidelines here.
Ana de Guzman

Ana de Guzman

Ana is part of the content marketing team and enjoys writing about home improvement and life & style. Her dream house would be a Mediterranean style home featuring expansive windows.

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