Team Spotlight: Becky

We are excited to share our latest team spotlight, Account Executive Becky Mason.

Becky covers South Carolina and Coastal Georgia territory and is a joy to have on the team.

Becky is originally from Beaufort, South Carolina. She lived in various navy towns across the country after college, mostly Pensacola, Florida for 30 years. A few years ago, she moved back to her hometown – Beaufort, South Carolina.

While Becky was experienced in digital advertising, she didn’t have extensive experience in the travel industry when she joined the team in January 2022, although she had worked with various tourism destinations for many years. Now, that she is fully dedicated to destination marketing organizations and this industry, her experience has enabled her to be a better partner and tourism advocate.

Her favorite thing about working in tourism? You get to see the best parts of each destination. It’s like they put on their “Sunday Best” to showcase the best their area has to offer. What we do at Advance Travel and Tourism matters, and it affects more than just the clients we serve. Tourism creates and sustains many other periphery industries within our destinations – hotels, restaurants, attractions, grocery stores, gas, etc.; they benefit from the visitors’ dollars that we deliver, support.

As far as favorite places to visit, Becky’s children, are all married, and live elsewhere, so her favorite thing is to visit them. They live in some cool places so it’s always fun to go.

Outside of work, she loves anything to do with the water, boating, kayaking, paddleboarding, fishing, beaching – you name it. She is a foodie and loves to cook and says it’s really great to catch your dinner. She does a lot of hiking, biking, working out when she can. She is currently looking for a team to join in the local tennis league. She has two dogs that she takes just about everywhere, and her volunteer passion is the humane society.

Learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving marketing landscape and ramp up your efforts.

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