Event health and safety are important to us here at MeetGreen. We pride ourselves on taking every precaution to keep event participants safe and healthy. From the beginning, we planned for health and safety. In 1994, we developed an Emergency Response Plan to keep everyone protected with our first event for 2,500 people. The plan included working with these partners:

  • Venue
  • Hotels
  • Vendors
  • Committee members
  • Staff

By including our partners we were able to outline protocols in case of an emergency to include:

  • Medical
  • Fire
  • Earthquakes
  • Inclement weather

Our team also established protocols for communication with:

  • Local authorities
  • Hospitals
  • Transportation systems
  • Media

Thankfully, we never had to enact the plans.

New Threats

Global Pandemic

Over the years, Emergency Response Plans have been updated to include new threats from terrorism, active threats shooters, and increased climate concerns. The Global Pandemic has added another layer of due diligence as organizations consider meeting in-person once again. As this deadly disease spreads throughout the world, following best practices is even more critical.

Risk Assessment & Emergency Preparedness

Risk Assessment and Emergency Preparedness

MeetGreen takes this responsibility very seriously. In conjunction with Arrive Conference Solutions, we apply risk assessment and emergency preparedness plans to all our upcoming hybrid and in-person events. The method can be broken down into the following:

Event Health and Safety Assessment

The first step in any plan to protect is to assess the situation. Event organizers will need to evaluate the spread of COVID19. Then understand the measures required for control and prevention. This is the time you will make the “Go-No Go” decision.

Event Health and Safety Mitigation & Prevention

Once you have decided to hold the event, the following steps begin. From supplies to disinfecting, to staff training, the preparedness starts early as you monitor conditions. Thorough screenings and protocols begin when the participants arrive. Strictly enforce a “No Tolerance” policy.

Event Health and Safety Response

What happens when someone is exposed? Enforcement and notification plans must be in place, including consulting with local, state, and CDC for daily procedures and updates. If the Emergency Response Plan’s first steps are carefully followed, this step may never be needed.

Event Health and Safety Recovery

What kind of follow-up is required after an active case is discovered? Isolation and care of the infected party and how information is handled are all vital during this part of the process. Working with federal and local authorities will most likely be required.

“Crisis preparation goes a long way to protecting you, your staff, guests, attendees, and other stakeholders. Working with trained staff and venue personnel is key to keeping these stakeholders safe. It’s important to keep up with changes in C19 research and monitor WHO, CDC, and local/state agencies.” Alan Kleinfeld, Arrive Conference Solutions

It would be irresponsible as the host organization or event producer to expect attendees to safely maneuver through an in-person event without protocols in place. Also, it is inappropriate for the organizers to shift full responsibility to the meeting venue. Our first duty is to the health and safety of everyone concerned. If we cannot, with good faith, gather our communities safely, we should convene them in another manner.